Turnkey service
Turnkey service down to the last detail
Estudio vilablanch is made up of a multidisciplinary, multilingual team of interior designers and architects with highly diverse backgrounds. Its members are professionals who have built up a broad range of in-depth experience in developing projects, both in terms of their creative conception and of their technical implementation. The studio also relies on specialized professionals for supervising the different service providers, the quality control, and the deadlines for completing each project.
With such a multidisciplinary team behind it, Estudio vilablanch is fully equipped to encompass all the stages in the process:
- Preparing the client brief.
- Conceptualizing and developing the creative project.
- Creating the executive project.
- Directing and coordinating implementation.
- Project management (planning, global management, and control of technical, cost-related, and administrative matters).
This has made it possible for vilablanch to specialize in offering turnkey services in which the client commissions the studio for overall project execution, with a set budget and calendar, be it for residential, office, or commercial spaces. This provides the client with a single contact who centralizes the entire process from start to finish, from setting the initial groundwork for the client brief, to coordinating the different services, managing and overseeing the construction process, and even, upon request, selecting kitchenware, house linens, curtains, dishware, or any other details that may contribute to rounding off the project..

vilablanch's ample experience in interior design project execution enables the studio to hone down its proposals and budgets with the utmost precision, ensuring that every one of its plans can be readily implemented at a reasonable cost and with the fewest possible technical complications. From the outset of the project, the entire team gives thought to how it will be carried out, what the cost will be for each one of the decisions that are taken along the way, and what technical difficulties are likely to arise as construction work progresses. This rationality in the design process enables vilablanch to offer aesthetically powerful and appealing solutions that are functional in terms of their use and rational both for the person who will be inhabiting the space and for the service providers in charge of implementing the project.